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Theatrical Performances

Fantastic: They are the best themselves


This is not a podcast on stage, this is a performance, this is a comedy!

Gašper Bergant and Žan Papič are an unstoppable duo who have been creating one of the most popular podcasts, Fejmiči, for over three years. They have hosted most of the Slovenian entertainment scene, from Magnifico, Lado Bizovičar, Miha Šalehar, Tomi Meglič, Damjan Murko, Saša Lendero, Mojca Fatur, to the entire team of the morning program of Radio 1, led by Denis Avdić. Despite the big names and entertaining conversations, their viewers still agree: "They are the best themselves!" After more than 170 episodes of the Fejmiči podcast with over 4,000,000 views, and 100 sold-out performances of the comedy Fantovščina, in which they made more than 27,000 Slovenians laugh with Saša Stare, it's time for them to prove that they are really the best themselves - live on stage!

Gašper and Žan have a very special relationship, as they look at many things in life from completely opposite perspectives. As if a Home Guard and a Partisan were going to a party together, older people would say. Bergant is known for being a man with a sharp tongue and no filter. The king of black humor, with an uncompromising view of the world, who can make even the grumpiest person in the audience laugh. He is determined and has an opinion on everything, even if he doesn't know the subject. On the other hand, Papič is endearingly confused, knows nothing about anything, and even boasts about it. A complementary and successful pair that spreads laughter, good mood, and empathy. It sounds strange, but it's true.


Source: https://www.sititeater.si/gostujoce-predstave/fejmici-sama-sta-najboljsa/";>Fejmiči: Sama sta najboljša - SiTi Teater BTC

Theatrical Performances
Ameriška ulica 3, 1000 Ljubljana
070 940 940
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Theatrical Performances
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