On Saturday, 22 February, the Ljubljana City Museum will host the exhibition From Corset to Jacket. The Clothing of the Ljubljanaers, 1850-1950, a varied morning programme will be dedicated to the renowned fashion designer Mojca Makuc, whose work has made a significant impact on the Ljubljana and wider Slovenian fashion scene. The event will offer an insight into her creative oeuvre, part of which will be presented to the museum by the designer.
Visitors wearing Mojca Makuc's creations will also have free entry to the exhibition From Corset to Jacket. The Clothing of Ljubljanaers, 1850-1950.
source: https://mgml.si/sl/mestni-muzej/dogodki/1927/2025-02-22/11-00/mo-moda-in-oblacenje-z-mojco-makuc/</p>