Exhibitions and Art

Ruby Red


Ruby Red is an intermedia and interdisciplinary narrative that connects the sensibility of the sensual and physical structure of the body into a story. It weaves together a sonic and visual landscape based on the organic, physiological power of the body, within which the wisdom of our emotional world is hidden. The narrative derives its essential power fr om a deep perception of bodily structures and bodily strength, finding its way to the viewer through the vigilance, sentience and visceral quality of perspective. In an extremely subtle, yet primal and raw way, it travels to and within the body, to wh ere it all begins – the womb.

The gallery space is wrapped in membranes that create an intimate cocoon. With its intimacy, security and nest-like form, the cocoon enables the intermedia tools to touch visitors on various sensory levels, with sound, light, shadow, colours, the power of details and so on. The viewer has the space, atmosphere and time to experience, feel and become aware; s/he gets in touch with him/herself, surrenders and establishes contact with his/her own ontology of the body. S/he simply is. S/he can feel the power of the silence within him/herself, in coexistence with the sounds and happenings in the cocoon. The intermedia art created inside the cocoon brings a message, an inspiration or even a reminder of the importance of essential contact with the body and withdrawal into primal perception. The authors of the project create an atmosphere through various forms of artistic expression. They create an artistic poetry of coexistence. The visual landscape intertwines with the powerful soundscape of an informed voice. The texture of gauze is used to create a cocoon in the architectural space. The raw gauze merges with the bare architectural space. With the help of projectors, the gauze is coloured in certain sections through various visuals in the spectrum of ruby red. Ruby red refers to an intense shade of red named after the precious stone ruby. Its hexadecimal code is #E0115F / #D10047 and it symbolises vitality, life force, dynamism and strength. It is a colour that has a powerful influence on human emotions and interpersonal relationships. Entering and moving through the cocoon installation enables touch and contact, perhaps even contact with yourself.

Ruby Red is a variation on the theme of the Things I Miss concept of the ‘sensual moment in space’.

The project is also based on the concept of sustainable art, since the membranes are fabric that will later be used in a new sense, in a new useful value, in a new artistic life.


Source: https://www.ljubljanskigrad.si/sl/dogodki/ruby-red/";>Ruby Red » Ljubljanski grad

Exhibitions and Art
Grajska planota 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia
+386 1 306 42 93
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