Vid Valič
Vid Valič

Vid Valič


Vid Valič has been creating on the Slovenian media and stand-up scene since 2001. At the age of sixteen, he started working with improvisational theater. For three years, he improvised and competed in the ŠILA - School Improv League with the team "Vidci" fr om the Aškerčev Gymnasium. For the third year, they won first place in ŠILA and thus advanced to the Impro league, wh ere they competed for another two years. In 2001, he appeared for the first time on national television in the program Štafeta mladosti, where he wrote and acted in skits with Jože Robežnik and Janez Trontlje in the section called "Biti IN". They did one season together, but then Valič had to join the army. After completing his duty, he returned to the improvisational theater as part of the Gverila Teater project, where he performed for 3 years. In 2006, he performed for the first time as a stand-up comedian. In May 2007, he started organizing the StendAp project (Stand-up comedy evenings) at KUD France Prešeren. From 2007 to 2012, at KUD France Prešeren organized and performed at StendAp comedy evenings once a month, eight months a year. From 2007 to 2014, he also performed at the Trnfest festival every year. In 2008, he performed at the first Slovenian stand-up comedy festival Panč. He appeared on Panč in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2016 and 2017. In 2010, he appeared for the first time on commercial television Pop TV as one of the two presenters of the show Slovenia has talent. So far, his work on television is reflected in the shows: Slovenija ima talent (5 seasons), Vid in Pero show (3rd season), Stand-up comedy roast Vida Valič and the production of the show StendAp, in which 15 other comedians appeared in addition to him.

Photo: Facebook.com

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