Adult education in Slovenia has a long tradition. It is embedded in the education system and in the awareness of society. Throughout history, this field has experienced its ups and downs, but it has always been present and has shaped social reality. The field is regulated by the Adult Education Act (Official Gazette 110/2006, official consolidated text), which has provided a solid foundation for the developmental progress of this area.
For Slovenia, a member of the European Union since 2004, similar developmental changes and challenges are characteristic as for most other member states. In 2004, the national program for adult education was adopted in Parliament under the title Resolution on the National Program for Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia until 2030 (ReNPIO).
For the new period until 2015, Slovenia set key goals in line with the strategy for education and lifelong learning in the European Union, reflected in the general goal of increasing participation rates in adult education. Adult education thus becomes an indispensable part of human life and work, a constant human right and obligation, as well as a developmental necessity.
By establishing development services, professional bodies, and organizations for adult education, by organizing and continuously informing the public, promoting lifelong learning, and other developmental incentives, Slovenia has maintained its adult education system even under transitional conditions.
The Center for Distance Education UNIVERZUM continuously follows the adult education strategy and offers a variety of educational programs, including:
Formal education (primary school for adults, secondary education)
Non-formal education (various forms)
Development projects in adult education
The center also cooperates with organizations that promote adult education, such as the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, the Career Guidance and Counseling Center, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the Employment Service of Slovenia, and others.
For its developmental work and the quality of its education, the center has been awarded a quality seal in the field of adult education.
We wish you successful steps on your educational journey together with us.
Director of CDI Univerzum, Sašo Skočir, univ. dipl. inž. teh. prom.