
Kino Šiška

Who and what are we? The official explanation is that Kino Šiška has been the central Slovenian institution of the contemporary concert scene since 2009, complemented by activities in visual and performing arts. The unofficial version, which we stand by and defend: Kino Šiška is you – the audience (at more than 300 events with over 100,000 visitors a year), participating artists and event organizers (a large proportion of cultural content is created in cooperation with non-governmental organizations, local communities, public institutions, etc.). You are the ones who support and create quality content that resonates in Ljubljana, Slovenia and the wider region. It is thanks to you that we have managed to establish the united brands of Kino Šiška, which have become part of the distinctive cultural image of Slovenia: the MENT Ljubljana festival and conference, the DobraVaga gallery, the CoFestival international festival of contemporary dance, the Tinta international comics festival and the first primary and secondary school band league in Slovenia Špil liga. Your support of our vision has made it possible for Kino Šiška to become recognisable on the international stage as well. Invitations from various European associations as well as international networking and memberships (European Dancehouse Network, Liveurope, Trans Europe Halles) make possible the promotion and integration of Slovenian artists with the international environment, and consequently the development not only of our own repertoire, but also the broader local cultural scene. To make a long story short: you are always welcome at Kino Šiška. You can read more about how Cinema Šiška became Kino Šiška in the Story of Kino Šiška.
Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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